Sherry Wang, Seattle Chinese Real Estate Agent

Sherry Wang

Sherry Wang - Seattle Chinese Real Estate Agent

Seattle Chinese Real Estate Agent - 西雅图专业房地产经纪人
Managing Broker, Skyline Properties - Buying and Selling

My goal is to help you achieve your American dream! 我的目标是帮助您实现在西雅图置业的梦想!

About Sherry (简介)

Sherry是西雅图的资深房地产经纪人。她有着15年丰富的经验。她连续10年被评为公司的顶尖的房产代理。Sherry的客户都是来自老客户的推荐。请看以下来自她的客户们的评价. Sherry的联系方式:电话:425 531 1662

Sherry is currently a Managing Broker of Skyline Properties. She is a reputable Seattle Realtor highly recomended by her clients and one of several top Chinese Realtors in Seatle. For the last 15 years, Sherry has been providing exceptional services to the Chinese community on Seattle Eastside, including Bellevue, Mercer Island, Medina, Clyde Hill, Redmond, Kirkland, Sammamish, Bothell, and Issaquah. Sherry thrives in providing personalized best services to her clients representing both buyers and sellers.

Sherry has been awarded top agents for the past 8 years in her company. Fluent in English and Mandarin Chinese, understanding both Western and Chinese culture, keeping customer’s best interest at heart, Sherry has been able to help many Chinese families fulfill their American dreams.

Sherry’s clients are solely from referrals from her previous clients. Please see her customers' feedback below.

Customer Feedback 客户反馈


--- From 叮铃, Bellevue, April, 2018


--- From Xiaojun Ma, Bellevue, April, 2018

Sherry is the buyer agent for my very first home in Magnolia. She is extremely professional, responsive and knowledgeable through our one month house hunting journey. From market analyzing, offer preparation to house closing, she made herself available through all channels and provided very professional guidance, which really prevented me from making impetuous decisions. I would highly recommend Sherry to anyone who want to buy house in Seattle.

--- From Mike Li, Bellevue, July, 2018

Sherry是我们朋友推荐的。因为我们是first time home buyer,Sherry一直很耐心地跟我们解释她心目中好房子的标准。在断断续续看房子好几个月之后,我越发认同Sherry的观点。在下offer的时候Sherry也会把各项条款的risk跟我们解释清楚,也不会push买家一定下offer。而且她回复和update都特别的及时!在西雅图激烈的市场下,有一个这样经验和人脉丰富,并且中英文交流都很顺畅的agent,能大大减少买家买房过程中的弯路。大大的推荐Sherry!

--- From BeiBei Liu, Bellevue, June, 2018

我们2014年看到别人推荐找到了Sherry做我们的经纪人, Sherry 很专业也很耐心,人脉也好,经验非常丰富,对价格的把握也很准,我们后来买到的房子并不是最高价甚至也不是第二高的价格, 但是Sherry跟对方经纪人联系紧密帮我们拿到back up offer的机会,最后第一名退出后卖家选了我们!后来我把Sherry推荐给几个朋友, 反馈都很好, 都帮他们以满意的价格买到了满意的房子;后来我们卖房的时候又找了Sherry, 这时我们已经在外地了, Sherry非常给力,帮我们联系清洁公司,安排Handyman修修补补, 跟租客打交道等等全权帮我们代理,房子上市后,多个offer进来,Sherry 也展示很好的negotiation能力,最后我们的房子是以小区当时的最高价售出,而全程我们都没有回去过,真是对Sherry非常信任而她也值的我们信任!

--- From Katecao, Bellevue, April, 2018

Sherry is a trustful agent with tons of knowledge in the house market in Washington Eastside area. We worked with her on our housing hunting and we had a very pleasant journey. For several times, we were eager to buy a house quickly, just like many other buyers who are already been panic about the crazy house market in recent years. Sherry did not push us to buy one immediately. Instead, she provided us advice and sometimes even discourages us to buy some houses if she thought they were not good fit. The fact turned out that almost all houses she discouraged, they have one or more intrinsic bad issues. We are so glad that she prevented us from making wrong decisions and appreciate her not pushing us when we get a "hot head". She really excels in identifying potential issues that are not obvious at all when she sees a house in person. I believe she will be a gem to anyone who is looking house in the eastside.

--- From Jason Cai, Bellevue, April, 2018


--- From xxma, Bellevue, May, 2018

Sherry is a very good and nice person. She has lots of patience with us. Since we are out of state buyer. Sherry helps us with visiting, videoing, and basically everything. I would definitely recommend her to anybody that I know.

--- From 5125笨小康, Bellevue, April, 2018


--- From 4531叮铃, Bellevue, April, 2018

是通过朋友介绍认识sherry 的, 在第一次她帮我们close一个single family house 之后,感觉非常满意,又找她帮我们做了第二个小公寓。第一次合作的时候,她非常耐心,热情,并且及时,在房市大热的时候能够帮我们抢到房子,第二次的小公寓有些波折,她也毫无怨言,一直耐心follow, 和房主沟通,最后顺利close.

--- From 9894Liky Zhu, Bellevue, April, 2018

看到有人需要买/卖房代理,我来推荐我们的代理,希望能帮到大家。我们的房子刚刚close,整个过程都很顺利。一个好的agent真的会让你的买房过程省心好多。她叫Sherry Wang, 是非常有经验的agent,我们也是经朋友介绍找到她的。下面是我为什么觉得她好得原因:
1. 她几乎知道所有community的历史和信息,所以当我们要求看一个房子的时候,她不会只给你分析房子本身好坏,还有将来升值潜力以及community是不是好。这个对于刚来西雅图的我们非常有价值。
2. 对房子的估价比较准,所以下offer的时候她的意见很有参考价值。我们一共下了四次offer,最后我们以低于两万的listing price 拿到了现在这个房子。
3. 她从不push我们下offer,总是以你的角度去考虑房子适不适合你。在我们第一次通话的时侯她就说要patient,你总能买到你最合适的房子。
4. 她在任何时候都available,虽然她很忙,但是当我们需要她的时候,一定能在第一时间找到她,耐心回答你的各种问题或者带你去看房。连我们家宝宝都很喜欢她。
5. 她很实在,不好的房子她会给你分析为什么不好。
6. 她非常专业,看房子下offer签合同各种小细节都会帮你想到,所以我们买房真的是省心好多!非常感谢她!


--- From Saijing, Bellevue, June, 2016

Sherry was a great real estate agent. We were informed of the detailed process of selling a house, and were given numerous and excellent suggestions for us to prepare before listing our house on the market. The terms on the sales agreement was also explained very clearly. Sherry was very responsible and available when we had any questions. Additionally, she recommended great services to us, like a professional photographer to take photos of the house. Overall, the service was excellent and very professional, the closing was also very smooth. We were very satisfied - definitely recommend her to our friends.

--- From Cen and Zhe, Sammamish, May, 2016

We have worked with Sherry twice, and would highly recommend Sherry. She has the expertise of the real estate market and also has great skills in negotiating. In 2014, we bought a customized new built single family house but builder was tough and difficult to deal with, Sherry did a great job tried her best efforts in closing our house. This year, Sherry also helped a lot when we were buying a condo in bellevue downtown, and finally the seller chose our offer in multiple ones and close in several days. In all, we will recommend Sherry to our friends, as she's easy going, professional, efficient and really experienced! A great real estate agent indeed!

--- From Qiong, Redmond, Feb, 2016

I highly recommend Sherry Wang. She is a successful realtor with great experience and knowledge of local housing market, especially the east side. I’ve known her for over 10 years. What I appreciate most about her is her integrity. She will never push for a house, if she doesn’t believe it is a good choice for you. She is also a great negotiator, she has gotten many great deals for her clients.

--- From Grace, Sammamish

Hi Sherry, appreciate for everything you did for us. You're the best real estate agent I have heard and met. We're so glad we have chosen you as our agent, that's one of the most wise things we did. Hope we could be cooperate with you again!

--- From Ling and Bo, Bellevue

I had great experience with Sherry last summer too. She is honest and willing to tell the customers the truth. Before switching to her, we used a Johnlscott agent and found he knew little about the area and even lied a lot. For example, when we asked him the commute situation from Sammamish to the main campus, he just gave false information. When we asked him why Lake Washington school district was good, he just couldn’t tell, while he had lived in the area for many years and had kids.But Sherry is different; she knows eastside so well and provided us detailed facts and information. She never pushes you to close a deal for the sake of getting commissions sooner. We will use her again.

--- From Weidong, Redmond

She is excellent!I just bought a house with her help. This is what my wife wrote about her: ……从上次的经历,我们知道一定要找很多人推荐的人才可靠。 这种信用的积累是很长的过程,如果能得到3个以上的人推荐,那真是非常的好了。所以我们就去公司的BBS,寻找好的代理。终于我们找到一个最起码有20多个人推荐的代理, 我称她为S。 每个人都盛赞她的NEGOTIATION SKILL,专业知识和认真负责为客户着想的态度。我记得有一个人的推荐信里是这么写的“对方的代理跟我们说,我们能买到这个房子, 完全是因为我们有个好代理”。于是我们决定跟她联络一下。和她交谈非常非常的舒服,感觉很好,她先让我们列一下我们的要求,让她自己心里先有数。我们约了第二天去看房子。 我们先去看了一个网上我们看过的感觉还可以的房子。S 很有经验,她先让我们看一遍,自己感觉一下,然后会从容的侃侃而谈,什么的屋顶,根据记录是用了多少年的,外墙是怎么样的, 进门是不是WELCOME, 光照,朝向。还有一些地方要修要改的话大概多少钱。房子里什么地方的设计是不太合理的。她还带我们去房子周围的小区转一下,看看这个小区如何,我们是不是喜欢。 向我们介绍这个小区的学校。她说房子的结构和周围的邻居是很难改变的,如果你不喜欢,那就不要买了。她提醒我们看看周围的邻居LANDSCAPE是不是普遍做的不好,因为这也会影响整个小区的value。 总之,她跟我们讲了很多很多,我们跟着她看房学到了很多。好的AGENT和差的AGENT,真的不一样,差太多了。……我们看到房子的外形就很喜欢,前面的草地和花园收拾的非常干净,赏心悦目。 里面更是豪华。我们后来看房子都FOLLOW我们AGENT的意见,列了张LIST,列出我们一定要满足的要求,然后看房子的时候一项项钩掉。最后具体讨论那些要求是可以妥协的,哪些要求是一定要满足的。 ……所以我们决定马上下OFFER.对方AGENT告诉我们他们当天就有一个OFFER了,FULL PRICE,不过是CONTINGENT的,要等对方的房子卖掉拿到钱后才能买这个房子, 这种OFFER是最不讨喜的,所以当时OWNER就没接受。我们的代理很快就和对方的代理混熟了。她说任何房子都有还价的余地的,让我们不要急。她在做了一番调查后, 建议我们OFFER 52w5,比LIST PRICE低1W5.她说她会和对方AGENT交涉,不会直接据掉的。与此同时,S还给我们准备了一封情真意切的信,说明了我们买房子的诚意。 OFFER递出去了,我们焦急的等待。COUNTER OFFER回来,卖家坚持原价不变,但是决定把窗帘和洗衣机烘干机什么都留给我们。他们说他们的窗帘就花了6000弄。 S说我们也不可能花6000弄窗帘啊。说到这里,不得不佩服S,她陶瓷到对方的心理价位在53W5,6左右,于是建议说大家让一步回个53W3回去。OFFER送出去以后, 我们一直等得很急。因为不想拖到星期六,看房子得人多了,下OFFER得机会也大,想赶在星期五前解决了。中午得时候,对方代理告诉我们有人OFFER了全价, 不是contingent得那种,问我们愿意match吗?我们当然非常愿意。可是我们代理说会给我们争取到房子并且争取最大得利益。我不清楚她是怎么写信打电话并且present的, 最后我们以比LISTING PRICE 低3000的价格买到了房子。卖家还帮我们清洗一下屋顶,屋顶是4年新的composition roof,并且送我们patio上面的一套gazebo。我太佩服我的代理了

--- From Yang, Sammamish

Sherry was my real estate agent for a very difficult real estate transaction last year. We managed to negotiate down the asking price given the hot real estate market on east side. She is honest with great work ethics. She is the best Chinese realtor in the Seattle area I know.

--- From Adam, New Castle

Sherry helped me to purchase my house in Bridle Trial. She is a good negotiator.

--- From Michael, Bellevue

I would also like to recommend my agent – Sherry. She is a former SDET from Microsoft and a Mandarin speaker. Great service and negotiator. I just closed a deal with her and was able to get a very good bargain.

--- From Bryan, Redmond

I second her as well. As Bryan said, sherry is a great Chinese realtor, she has good knowledge and negotiation skills as an agent. She is also very patient. I have been seeing houses with her for 7-8 months and I have seen more than 60 houses. She will never push you for rolling out an offer. Additionally, according to my experience, she has good understanding of your expectation of the houses you are hunting for. For any first time home buyer, he/she may not be able to describe what he/she really wants. Sherry is able to quickly learn what you really would like to have after visiting a few houses with you and recommend some good candidates later.

--- From Haibin, Redmond

Nod nod. Sherry was my agent too. I tried 2 other agents until a friend recommended her. She tries actively to find out what YOU are looking for, acts fast and negotiates hard. I had a very pleasant experience with her.

--- From Xian, Bellevue

I just bought a house with her last week although it’s hasn’t been closed. I got this house with the lowest offer (total three offers), I really appreciate her negation skills/tips and hard work. (Sherry, Sammamish) Sherry recently helped me purchase a single family home. I’m satisfied with the overall experience (and I’m very picky!).

--- From Xiang, Bellevue

I also like to recommend my real estate agent Sherry Wang. We had a great experience with her when we were buying our house recently. She is very knowledgeable and responsible and has great negotiation skills. She is also very patient, understand our need and gave us very precious suggestion. At the end, we got a great deal with her help.

--- From Miao Jun, Sammamish

Hi Sherry,I got the key today. Thanks for your help during the process. You have done a great job to help us negotiate the price and resolve all kinds of issues. We are really appreciated. The most impressive part is that you are not just trying to close the deal but always stand on our side and put our interest on top. Thanks.

--- From Jingwei, Redmond


Phone: 425 531 1662